The heart and soul of this website depends on Prayer to provide the riches and graces necessary to turn the tide of pray that God's graces will find receptive hearts that will rise up and stamp out this vicious plague we have allowed into our souls and our country. Generally speaking the term 'infanticide' has always been understood as the killing of a baby after it is born. Legally, a child is not a human being until he/she is born. Legislation to legalise abortion was initially introduced into Australia through South Australia by the Liberal Party. Later it was introduced specifically into Victoria by the Labour Party in the electorate of Diamond Valley.
Before this, our nation led the world in its respect for human life-cum human rights by legislating protection of human life from conception to natural death. There was no discrimination between the stages by which babies were deemed to be dispensible - whether the developing child was at the conceptus stage, the embryonic stage, the foetal stage, or at birth and/or after birth.
Is the unborn child human? Is a child less human five minutes before he/she is born than five minutes after? Ten minutes before..than ten minutes after? One month before...than one month after? Two, three, four...months before..than two, three, four months after?
Regarding conscience votes: Is every act carried out with a good conscience?
Is it possible that we can act with a bad conscience? How does one tell the difference?
Can a crime become a non-crime? And if so - how?
By a handful of politicians simply saying it is no longer a crime, then forcing that judgement on a whole nation? On the whole world?
What happens to abortion survivors?.. click here
If not legal, is the law against infanticide being broken by doctors and nurses throughout Australian hospitals?
The object of this website is to endeavour to restore laws to our Constitution that have been removed...for surely it cannot be a good law that destroys human beings at whatever stage they happen to exist. But pause a while...and consider...that laws by definition are enforceable whether we live in a democratic or republican or totalitarian kind of society .
There are many good people in this wonderful nation who have not been consulted about the ramifications of these so-called laws; who do not realise that rather than making a new law we have consented to have laws removed. We are beginning to live in a lawless society.
The time has come to pray the Rosary. As the Mediatrix of all Graces, Mary is the only one who can help us at this very very late stage. Free Rosary beads will be sent by clicking here. Then click on the link below 'Pray the Rosary' (Ten Hail Mary's are said for each decade.) Pray specifically for the intentions listed on the Home Page.
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