Saturday, January 29, 2011

INTRODUCTION:  THE  abortion issue has always been successfully and brilliantly marketed by the feminist movement as a Catholic religious issue...as a private matter that Catholics are trying to force on everybody and that Catholics are ruled by the Pope...(leading Catholic politicians have often been accused of this.) This tactic has stymied Catholics..kept us on the back foot with no power. It has portrayed the matter to the public as being a private thing, and everybody has the right to a personal opinion and thus entitled to abortion if desired.

IT  IS  TIME to correct this portrayal by having a network that is proudly and boldly  CATHOLIC  and so we intend to take up the challenge.   
           ...  TURNING  THE  TIDE  ON  INFANTICIDE  ...

M E T H O D: 
  • SETTING UP this website to counter the aspirations of the movement described above.
  • GATHER fellow-Catholics to register.
  • AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME - say, when an election is pending, to put out a public announcement in newspapers that we will be voting 'informal' as a bloc to register our protest against abortion and...
  • TO REINSTATE LAWS protecting and defending the human rights of innocent unborn babies.
  • TO REMOVE the so-called 'right' of a woman to kill her unborn child.
  • TO URGE pro-life politicians to follow through;  to act on their conscience votes by using every means at their disposal to reverse legislation allowing the slaughter of unborn babies.
  • TO STOP the infanticide of abortion-survivors  click here  and  here
  • TO PROMOTE our own Catholic candidates, known as such, to stand for Parliament.
  • TO SUPPORT non-Catholic candidates holding these principles to stand for Parliament.
  • TO LINK up with other Catholic websites.


Pray  for  us
"I am the Queen of Heaven, Mother of earth, and Mediatrix of all graces. I will stand here through the turmoil that lies ahead within the holy House of God.” - Our Lady of the Roses, October 6, 1972

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