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December 23, 2010. The Age Report here    
Andrew Elsbury during the count that eventually brought him to the Legislative Council. A NEW Coalition MP has declared his opposition to the decriminalisation of abortion, vowing to repeal it, and has backed the death penalty in his first speech to Parliament.:Liberal upper house MP Andrew Elsbury said, in his speech on Tuesday night, that he would do everything in his power to repeal the laws permitting the ''terrible act'' of abortion. His views put him conflict with Premier Ted Baillieu who voted for the decriminalisation of abortion in 2008.

''I believe in the sanctity of innocent life and will not stand by while thousands of innocent Victorian children are not given the most basic of human rights: the right to live,'' Mr Elsbury said. ''Abortion is a practice I cannot and will not abide.'' He also spoke proudly of his support for the monarchy.

A spokesman for Mr Baillieu, Paul Price, said: ''Inaugural speeches can often be occasions for members of Parliament to express personal views and experiences. The views of Mr Elsbury on the death penalty do not reflect government policy.''
Mr Elsbury was one of six new members to deliver maiden speeches to Parliament on Tuesday-

Comment:   Consistent with our policy to support politicians such as Mr. Elsbury we present The Age article for your consideration and support for this new member of parliament. He has an uphill battle in contradiction to that of his leader, Mr. Baillieu, who voted FOR the decriminalisation of abortion. We will remember him in  our Rosaries.
“What   kind   of   a   country   do   we   live   in where   saving    people   from   death    is    a crime?”  asked the head of CLCY Campaign Life Coalition Youth .   “Mary Wagner should be an inspiration for all in the pro-life movement. Her courage to reach out to women and children is what we all must do to defeat abortion in this country.”..... full story     
Charges dropped against  Mary who was arrested in November, 2010.  see here       Defending herself against abortion this is her statement:    Your Honour,                    

I stand before you accused of mischief. The Crown has presented the case against me, having argued to the effect that I did interfere with the enjoyment or operation of a lawful “business”. Were I to try to defend myself by arguing that I did not interfere, I would be neglecting the dignity of the little ones and their mothers, who are at the heart of the matter. What is the “business” in question? Women’s reproductive health exists almost exclusively for the purpose of destroying children in their mothers’ wombs; under the guise of serving women, helpless babies are killed there, and their mothers are left wounded. Canada has abdicated responsibility for the general welfare of its people by denying personhood status to the youngest and most vulnerable among us. As Mother Teresa said to world leaders gathered in Washington D.C in 1993, “the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion” and “let us bring the child back to the center of our care and concern. Your Honour, I have attempted to reach out to women who are considering abortion as a solution to the difficult circumstances in which they find themselves. My presence was peaceful, and stems from an acknowledgment of the fact that a new human life exists from the moment of conception. I also hold the firm belief that each life is sacred, as a belief shared by those of various faith convictions, as well as by those who do not necessarily believe in a Higher Being. History shows us over and over how at various times certain members of the human family have been treated as non-persons. Each era has their reasons for attempting to justify discrimination in law, such as denying personhood status to women, Jews, blacks and native peoples, only to be acknowledged as unjustified by future generations. While the chill of injustice may exist in the laws of a country, it need not cool the hearts of those of us who believe in upholding the inherent dignity of all our brothers and sisters, especially the mother who is tempted to seek abortion as a solution to her difficulties.
Comment:    We seem to be happy when donating/soliciting funds for sponsoring children in this or that country, but does one ever hear of sponsoring a pregnant mother and her child?   Well, look at the map below and see the bloodshed of aborted babies right across the world where abortion is legalised, including those that seek sponsorship.  
The world is being portrayed as a 'global village' which is the equivalent to saying it is one country so that whatever happens in another continent effects each person in the world.   The legalisation of abortion is the uniting factor !


In America laws are being enacted to protect abortionists.  In Australia doctors are persecuted by the law itself which punishes them should they refuse a patient's request to refer her to an abortionist.   Thus they are prevented from keeping their Hippocratic Oath (see here) to preserve human life throughout each and all of its stages.    Nay, even that has been discarded (see here) - reduced to a meaningless declaration.   Subtly, these changes have come about nullifying laws, disembowelling oaths thus freeing man exempting him from all responsibility, commit-
ment and accountability.   We will pay a heavy price for our apathy.


What happened to this doctor in Spain can easily happen here in Victoria.   See 'Abortion Law Reform Act Victoria 2008' in side links this website.

 Doctor refused ‘conscientious objector’ status for not referring for abortions in Spain
This article was written by Rebecca Millette of Life Site News Apr 19, 2011

MADRID, Spain, April 19, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) – In a landmark ruling, a pro-life Spanish doctor who refused to refer for abortions was denied the status of “conscientious objector” under Spain’s controversial Abortion Act.

The unnamed family doctor from a public medical centre in Antequera in southern Spain applied for privileges under the country’s Abortion Act to be free from being required to refer women for abortions based on his conscience objections. However, the judge in the Malega court rejected the physician’s request, maintaining that his “duty to provide adequate health care prevailed over that of conscience,” according to the Telegraph.

Spain’s new abortion law, which allows the killing of the unborn on demand during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy, has been highly contested by conservatives and pro-life advocates, especially the Catholic Church in Spain.


P E R S O N H O O D     U P D A T E

                                                      BREAKING  THROUGH

Personhood USA is a grassroots Christian organization founded to establish personhood efforts across America to create protection for every child by love and by law. Personhood USA is committed to assisting and supporting Personhood Legislation and Constitutional Amendments and building local pro-life organizations through raising awareness of the personhood of the pre-born. This update was written by: Jennifer Mason, Personhood USA

  The Washington Times reports that the Planned Parenthood has filed a lawsuit to stop the upcoming Personhood vote in Mississippi. These rabid pro-abortion organizations want to stop citizens from instituting human rights in the Mississippi Constitution.

Alabama may join Mississippi in ultimately recognizing Personhood for the smallest human beings.


Quoted in the Washington Times article, the Personhood book is HERE! Georgia Right to Life Director and Personhood USA Board Member Daniel Becker has released “Personhood : A Pragmatic Guide to Prolife Victory in the 21st Century and the Return to First Principles in Politics”. This book is a GREAT read, extremely interesting, well written, and, as our Legal Counsel Gualberto GarciaJones is quoted on the back cover “It is the finest pro-life work I have read, period.”    This website is ordering copies which may be obtained upon request...see contact number below.

Great news - In Alabama, the House Personhood Bills bounced out of the Health Subcomittee and put back on the committee agenda for Wednesday, April 27, at 9am - Please pray!

Why is Planned Parenthood ignoring the new "fetal pain" bills and attacking Personhood instead? We have a pretty good idea...


 PLUS, Personhood Mississippi's Amendment 26 is the one to watch! Will Mississippi be the first state to make abortion illegal since 1973? Check out their new website at

                               GOOD  NEWS  INDEED!  

The subtitle of  Dan Becker's book speaks for itself:   "A pragmatic guide to Prolife Victory in the 21st Century and the Return to First Principles in Politics".   The writer has drawn on the constitution of the United States which explicitly places God fairly and squarely front and centre. He has made out a strong political argument based on this section of the Constitution. He draws directly on the Christian faith as the most pragmatic way to achieve the success which has overturned laws permitting abortion/infanticide in Georgia and elsewhere. I truly believe it can be done in Australia for our Constitution, too,  places God  in its opening sentence.   See preamble here at the top of each page.  Link to full text is in "See here". 

Want  to  know  what  a  'gestation fetus'  is?     And  when  it  is a crime  to  murder  one?   click here

Beautiful story of a mother's recovery from grief/anddarkness following a  procured abortion.

Light of the World:  The Steve Tyler and Julia Holcomb story
            It has been some time since updating this website.  

                                Cor Mariae  (click)

has since been established where regular information on the situation of the Church today includes updates regarding the whole range of our faith.   We would love to see you there.



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